I am all about making use of every square inch of my home and love to repurpose rooms when they aren’t being used to their fullest potential. My most recent project was a new guest room space. Previously, the bonus room functioned as TV room / playroom / and sadly, guest room. I really wanted a place my guests could feel comfortable and have some privacy. So in comes the one room in the house that has been like um….about 6 or 7 different spaces since we moved in 7 years ago. I once blogged on the many faces of this room- you can read about it Here.
Before we added the addition on the back of the house this was the dining room, but the table was moved to the eat-in area once that kitchen space got larger and this room became very sad:(
Hmmm, I thought, why not make this my guest room- all I need to do is add some privacy doors. So with all my free time on my hands (ha-ha), I started moving and painting furniture and here’s the result:
I still need to paint the doors- they’re just primed right now- but that is for another day… for now maybe I’ll just crawl in the bed and take a nap:)